Search results

  1. F

    Where to ride and what to see around Canim lake

    I'm going to be at a friends cabin on Canim lake from aug 20-23. I wil have my bike with me (Drz400) and am looking for any suggestions on good places to ride within a hour or two ride from the lake. I'm interested in single track or quad trails or even just easy riding to an interesting...
  2. F

    Indian arm forest service road Friday aug.26th

    I have the day off and was thinking of heading up the Indian arm forest service road. Anyone up for a ride tomorrow? I could also be persuaded to go some where else instead if someone had something in mind. If your interested post here or give me a call 778-388-7084 Peter
  3. F

    Case savers in Canada for a DRZ 400s

    Well after punching a hole in my engine case on the strator side im looking to get a set of case savers. It seems like only Thumper talk sells them and I would love to buy them in Canada and if possible support one of our vendors. Does anyone know who might sell them here? Thanks
  4. F

    DRZ 400s skid plate and case covers

    Hi, Im looking for a skid plate and a set of case savers for my 08 DRZ 400s. What are you guys using and how do you like them? I see thumper talk sells case savers but to get them shipped up here is quite a bit. Are there any local stores that stock them? It would be nice to be able to support...
  5. F

    Snow level?

    Yesterday was a blast, great meeting all of you. Only dropped the bike once crossing a fallen log but I still managed to break my turn signal. It was my first time riding in the snow and it turned out to be really fun.