OH OH I did not catch my error here, this should read that one of BCORMAs representatives
With all the complaining about BCORMA being too quite on the issue of Bill 13 the ORV ACT, it seems that the government in its wisdom has decided that BCORMA has divulged too much privileged information to their members. http://bcorma.ca/node/1531
This has gotten one of BCORMAs representatives removed from the ORV JAG and now we have to trust the likes of Nature BC and Trails BC to look after dirt bikers interests.
Below is the information that the government did not want us to know
These are items we (dirt bikers) asked BCORMA as clubs to bring to the ORV JAG table for discussion. Somehow the government has decided our instructions to our representatives is confidential?
If I were not such a conspiracy theorist I would think I here the train whistle blowing, we are about to be railroaded
With all the complaining about BCORMA being too quite on the issue of Bill 13 the ORV ACT, it seems that the government in its wisdom has decided that BCORMA has divulged too much privileged information to their members. http://bcorma.ca/node/1531
This has gotten one of BCORMAs representatives removed from the ORV JAG and now we have to trust the likes of Nature BC and Trails BC to look after dirt bikers interests.
Below is the information that the government did not want us to know
BCORMA negotiated:
(This section has been deleted at Government staff demand. We are not allowed to make public any item of discussion that was ever discussed in the JAG, including all the issues that BCORMA worked on on behalf of dirt bikers. I have been dismissed from the Off-Road Vehicle Joint Advisory Group without recourse due to these removed bullet points.)
• Reduced youth rider supervisor age down from 25 years old to 19 years old with a valid driver's license
• An “allowance” for taxes due on private sales before July 2010
• Ability to cross roads at legal crossings
• Appropriate vehicle ID and placement by vehicle type. That means for dirt bikes we can mount our identification on our front number plate. While we continue to push for decals on our fork tubes, this is better than a rear mounted plate.
• No required lighting except under adverse or after-hours light conditions.
• Required lighting for dirt bikes would be limited to a portable strap on light that allows other vehicles to see you.
• Youth riding age for Crown Lands at six years old, not sixteen as proposed by other groups. The Government has insisted that youth riders be properly supervised and riding in a safe manner.
• No requirement for 3rd party insurance to ride on Crown Lands under the ORV Act. FSRs still require 3rd party insurance and a driver's license
These are items we (dirt bikers) asked BCORMA as clubs to bring to the ORV JAG table for discussion. Somehow the government has decided our instructions to our representatives is confidential?
If I were not such a conspiracy theorist I would think I here the train whistle blowing, we are about to be railroaded
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