I'm a DSBC sponsor. Please thank me with your busi
NOTE: BCORMA does great things for our sport I am not in any way suggesting the association is not effective and necessary. I believe that ministry of forest representatives took advantage of the inexperience of the various groups at the negotiating table. Requiring confidentiality agreements effectively shut down the strength of the BCORMA and the other negotiators and was a smart move on the part of government representatives.
Our strength is in our collective voice not allowing feedback and information flow to the various negotiating groups membership silenced that voice.
This confidentiality agreement effectively kept 1000s of ORV owners out of the process.
I read the recent BCORMA news letter (see bottom of this post) I have a couple of questions:
Particularly with respect to this line: Sorry to have been so cagey about this, but it has been a long process, and subject to the confidentiality agreement. However, thanks to consistent pressure from motorized reps in all sectors, we are pleased to have achieved this concession.
Cagey?... I feel more like naive, I believe Ken Mclelland and the other BCORMA negotiation members always truly had the best interest of all ORV owners when at the government table and did not intentionally mislead members.
That said BCORMA is a members association with allegedly several hundred members it is not just a few who speak for all. How is it BCORMA executive can agree to a confidentiality agreement allowing important issues to be only reviewed by a few with no input from all members.
Even though I feel BCORMA executive truly were acting on what they felt was the best interest of all,It seems to me it was incumbent on the directors to have a constant flow of information between the representatives on the government committee and membership at large.
If signing a confidentiality agreement prevented this flow of information on this important issue then it at the very least it should have been put to a members vote before signing it.
Does board have the right to sign a confidentiality agreement with out first a membership vote agreeing to this I don't know. (Caveat: What I know about the law as it applies to associations could be counted on one hand)
It may just my distorted thinking, I just don't see how a small committee with no regular feedback from membership could properly represent its membership as a whole. Is there a possibility that the confidentiality agreement was mis-understood and in fact members were allowed access to information but information could not be released to the general public? Maybe.
If there are any dual sporting lawyers out there ,I would be interested in what their thoughts are?
In the end this whole thing has become a nightmare for all, it is confusing, it is difficult to prove ownership of many off road vehicles, Autoplan brokers are in absolute confusion.
I have spoken to riders who have spent four hours at the autopian office trying to register a motorcycle for which brand that is not in the ICBC data base and can not be registered yet.
This brings to question: Was this whole process actually legal and transparent? Do we have a right to challenge the entire process and possibly have this whole regulation over turned? Maybe there is still time for all to unite and repeal this law.
Provincial Government conceds to decals for Dirt Bikes and Sleds for November 1, 2015 ORV Registration
Hi Everybody,
So now for officially perhaps the worst-kept secret around, it is OFFICIAL that we will be using a sticker/decal system of ID'ing ORV's, and mandatory registration has been postponed until November 1st, 2015.
Sorry to have been so cagey about this, but it has been a long process, and subject to the confidentiality agreement. However, thanks to consistent pressure from motorized reps in all sectors, we are pleased to have achieved this concession.
We still have tonnes more work to do and will continue to need your support to press home to Government proper sizing and location of decal, and all the items we listed in our letter to the Premier - Compliance and Enforcement applying laws correctly, consistent education of ICBC brokers, proof of ownership and taxes paid documentation, and the establishment of an ORV Trails Fund like the hunters and fishers benefit from.
Our strength is in our collective voice not allowing feedback and information flow to the various negotiating groups membership silenced that voice.
This confidentiality agreement effectively kept 1000s of ORV owners out of the process.
I read the recent BCORMA news letter (see bottom of this post) I have a couple of questions:
Particularly with respect to this line: Sorry to have been so cagey about this, but it has been a long process, and subject to the confidentiality agreement. However, thanks to consistent pressure from motorized reps in all sectors, we are pleased to have achieved this concession.
Cagey?... I feel more like naive, I believe Ken Mclelland and the other BCORMA negotiation members always truly had the best interest of all ORV owners when at the government table and did not intentionally mislead members.
That said BCORMA is a members association with allegedly several hundred members it is not just a few who speak for all. How is it BCORMA executive can agree to a confidentiality agreement allowing important issues to be only reviewed by a few with no input from all members.
Even though I feel BCORMA executive truly were acting on what they felt was the best interest of all,It seems to me it was incumbent on the directors to have a constant flow of information between the representatives on the government committee and membership at large.
If signing a confidentiality agreement prevented this flow of information on this important issue then it at the very least it should have been put to a members vote before signing it.
Does board have the right to sign a confidentiality agreement with out first a membership vote agreeing to this I don't know. (Caveat: What I know about the law as it applies to associations could be counted on one hand)
It may just my distorted thinking, I just don't see how a small committee with no regular feedback from membership could properly represent its membership as a whole. Is there a possibility that the confidentiality agreement was mis-understood and in fact members were allowed access to information but information could not be released to the general public? Maybe.
If there are any dual sporting lawyers out there ,I would be interested in what their thoughts are?
In the end this whole thing has become a nightmare for all, it is confusing, it is difficult to prove ownership of many off road vehicles, Autoplan brokers are in absolute confusion.
I have spoken to riders who have spent four hours at the autopian office trying to register a motorcycle for which brand that is not in the ICBC data base and can not be registered yet.
This brings to question: Was this whole process actually legal and transparent? Do we have a right to challenge the entire process and possibly have this whole regulation over turned? Maybe there is still time for all to unite and repeal this law.
Provincial Government conceds to decals for Dirt Bikes and Sleds for November 1, 2015 ORV Registration
Hi Everybody,
So now for officially perhaps the worst-kept secret around, it is OFFICIAL that we will be using a sticker/decal system of ID'ing ORV's, and mandatory registration has been postponed until November 1st, 2015.
Sorry to have been so cagey about this, but it has been a long process, and subject to the confidentiality agreement. However, thanks to consistent pressure from motorized reps in all sectors, we are pleased to have achieved this concession.
We still have tonnes more work to do and will continue to need your support to press home to Government proper sizing and location of decal, and all the items we listed in our letter to the Premier - Compliance and Enforcement applying laws correctly, consistent education of ICBC brokers, proof of ownership and taxes paid documentation, and the establishment of an ORV Trails Fund like the hunters and fishers benefit from.