Cool rides around PG??


New member
Hi everyone,

I am new to the Dualsport scene and was wondering if you had any recommendations for rides around the Prince George area? I have done the Fyfe lake route and bombed down a bunch of logging roads but was looking for some more destination type places.
My Buddy and I are doing the PG to Barkerville ride this weekend. I hope it goes well.


New member


Are you overnighting or just going for the day?

Rich Elson

Hi everyone,

I am new to the Dualsport scene and was wondering if you had any recommendations for rides around the Prince George area? I have done the Fyfe lake route and bombed down a bunch of logging roads but was looking for some more destination type places.
My Buddy and I are doing the PG to Barkerville ride this weekend. I hope it goes well.


New member
Well I have not done that one yet but many of the local crowd has and it looks all clear. If you need directions let me know as Olaf has the route all mapped out.


New member
Deerebr directions would be great. We have our maps but have been told of a few dirrerent routes. Thanks


New member
It was awesome! We took a long route on the way down... PG snowmobile club trails, it was at least 6 hours. But only around 3 on the way back as we took the main logging roads. There was some outstanding trails in the wells area. Favorite was the Two Sisters hill climb. It was hard for a noob but was well worth the ride.


New member
You overnighted last weekend did you not??

I hope to go this weekend.

Willow FSR to Stoney Lake and the Ketchum FSR south to Wells correct??


New member
We did stay for 2 nights. We took your described route back, but took the Buckhorn road for the last segment. Its 3 hours and all wide open throttle boring FSR. The snowmobile route is much better IMHO, but do avoid the Coquihalla segment, its heavily overgrown with alders.


New member
Just a note, if you plan to take the snowmobile club route, make sure you allow for 6-8 hours. It is well worth the trip but takes a lot longer. You see much more, get to ride real trails. There is also a bunch of cabins out there if something happens. And as Talon said do not take the coquihalla part, it can't be more than a couple of kms but it felt like a thousand. The word is that it will be cleared in the next few months.


New member
I was out close to keep lake these days splitting in a new snowmobile, that about all it was good for, a week ago itwas expected to be good not this few days it was wet mush and reducing quickly. I sure we get winter soon this is a lot of junk climate.
gold coast holiday house
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Anyone have tracks for the Snowmobile route to Barkerville?

I've done the FSR route but now looking for a more adventurous option.

How is that route for someone who's skill set is more of the FSR road variety? I'm not any good in mud so prefer to avoid it with my CB500x.