Easter long weekend final Newbie pre-ride


"2018 Forest Fairies"
Since I got promoted Chainsaw carrier, better to try it right now.
If I don't like I return it! It's 30 return policy, isn't it?

The plan is Friday, continue to clean Dashboard, only 100 m left, the worst is done.
Maybe fixing Railway bridge, only finding some plank.

I'm still waiting for the Ride planning!!!
Hopefully I will get it and Saturday will be Full throttle pre-ride, not even arrowing

I don't work with the chainsaw if I'm by myself, so please post if you come on Friday or Saturday.
If no one post, I do fuckall and I go ride McNutt

You will have to clean it yourself at the event.
That will become Clean it yourself event.

PS: it should be an easy day, and a fun ride Saturday.


Hi Sylvain, I was going to go out tomorrow. If it's just us, or a small group, why not start from my place, I'll have a pot of coffee on and enough room for a few trucks to park. Close to dashboard here too.


It's the third driveway on the left on Rachael Place. Head to Cultus Lake, turn left on the road (Racheal Place) after you pass the Cultus Lake pub. I'm in the second house on the left side as you head up that road. Pull into my second driveway, there's more room. Big red workshop. You can't miss it.


Staff member
If there is any last minute stuff my tentative plan is to be camping at the site from the Tuesday 25th thru to the ride.


"2018 Forest Fairies"
We had a nice day today!
Rob let us start from is backyard, very nice.

We finished to clean Dashboard, still a little slide to fix. Not too bad going down, might be tricky going up.
We even went to look at Borden Hill, it's clear now.
The bridge is like we left it.

PS: Will be a busy weekend, all the Sites in the staging area were full at noon.
Take care if you ride there this weekend.