Is anybody going to the Horisons Unlimited thing in Nelson?


New member
Hi all,

I know there is a lot going on next weekend but is anybody heading to Nelson for this gig? I and my S.O. just signed up.

Cheers, Paul N.


Administrator / BFF in the blue jacket
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I'm aware that John James will be attending. I don't know when he's departing Surrey or if he's riding with anyone else.

Paul, when are you and your SO riding up? Which bike or are you (eek!) caging it?

I was planning on attending Rocke's Chilliwack ride, but that will make this the second year I've missed the Horizons event... which seems pretty dumb on my part.

I've already committed to something the following weekend, so my SO won't be too pleased if I go to Nelson without her... not that she's capable of a 1500km weekend on the back of the Elefant!

Decisions, decisions...


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Yep, I am going up to the HU event in Nelson as well. I plan on leaving on Thurs after work, and maybe spending the night around Osoyoos. Maybe we can meet up for the trip out.


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Thanks for the info Mark,

I am more than a little embarassed to admit that I am taking the truck (with DRZ in the back)up to Nelson for this event . I can't wait to see the look on the faces of the hard core round the world types when I roll up on four wheels. " bleeping hell Nigel, loook at that wanker in the motor!" Hopefully a cooler full of bevvies will keep the savages at bay and dull their senses enough to allow me to survive in one piece. I had hoped to bomb up there on the XT but the time frame does not allow it. Gillian and I will leave at an ungodly hour Sat morning and try to be in Nelson for noon.

These meetings are really a great time , very laid back and there is heaps of info to be learned from those who have travelled far and wide. Will give you a good kick in the ass about actually dooing it when you see the slide shows. If a female pensioner can ride her honda shadow through India is there really a valid excuse why you and me arent out there doing the same?

A freeking Elephant? Imagine the cool factor of showing up on that bike! Those euros have got nuttin on you baby.

That would be great if you made it up Mark and I will for sure look out for John James(remember to park tent far away from that man zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzz)

Will look for others there as well. Happy riding that weekend to the rest of you!

Cheers, Paul N.


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Guy good to see you are in.

Looking forward to tipping back a few and having a right old chin wag with ya'll. If all the facts don't add up it's either the beer or the bulls---- metre hitting the red zone! I can't wait.:tup:

Cheers, Paul N.


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Did any one make it up to Nelson?

We got to Princeton, freshly soaked and warned once by an nice constable who wanted to check out a black VStrom. Seems he was worried that I wasn't visible enough to the other idiots on the road. He may have been right about the idiots- between Manning and Princeton we saw a couple of crashed 4wheelers.

Leaving Princeton we saw serious looming rain to the east, and called off the Nelson thing. We couldn't face camping with wet gear, and knew that all the rooms were booked to a car show, so we decided to spend the night and check weather in the morning. The weather channel scared us off of continuing east, so we rode north and got wet, but stayed in another nice dry room.

Was it sunny in Nelson?
Paul? John? Anyone?


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You should have kept on going to Nelson. Great time. I rode up Thur. left Sun. Camped out. Yes it was a bit damp, 3 days non-stop rain. Snow a bit east and north.
Riders from England, Germany, US and Canada. No wimps in this group for sure.
Lots of good seminars and the people were great. Some real high milers, these guys have been everywhere. Tons of good information on motorbike travelling.
The Toad Rock motorcycle campground has excellent facilities if you ever head through that area.
Of course there was the odd bit of BS too.