So JavaJude sent me this link Its a very intuitive GPS location system
what3words is a universal addressing system, instead of a complicated gps set of coordinates you just need to know the 3 word location. give it a try
The DSBC Nubee Ride will be starting at " mildly.tractors.paves " Copy and paste this location into the search bar at (of course skip the quotation marks)
I could also give you the gps coordinates 49.071736, -121.844059 but you will also need to know the coordinate format too which is deg/min/sec.
Thinking this might be fun to use.............
Check it out
Here is a quick video explaining the system and why
what3words is a universal addressing system, instead of a complicated gps set of coordinates you just need to know the 3 word location. give it a try
The DSBC Nubee Ride will be starting at " mildly.tractors.paves " Copy and paste this location into the search bar at (of course skip the quotation marks)
I could also give you the gps coordinates 49.071736, -121.844059 but you will also need to know the coordinate format too which is deg/min/sec.
Thinking this might be fun to use.............
Check it out
Here is a quick video explaining the system and why