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My Story
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A week before the ride I was taking my truck with my bike to Onion Lake Spring Camp just North of Lytton. That was before I spoke with Ian B who said he was going to ride his DRZ up. Ok I can't be out done by this nubie to DSBC so I agree to ride up with him. We decide to leave after Breakfast on Friday. The usual panic packing took place Friday morning and we left at the Crack of Noon, but first we had to stop at dirtybills place to let him know our plans. We meet up with John J at the Sawmill Pub an proceeded to Dirtys, about 2 Kms from the Pub. John claimed I violated at least 10 traffic laws in less than 10 min. I just thought it would be OK to take the doggie trails on the way to Dirty's.
1:00 pm Friday and we are finally on our way to gravel roads Harrison FSR
20 Kms from Harrison I get a flat tire with my new rear tire and new tube.
Sorry but no pictures. In my haste packing I left my rear tube in the garage and forgot my pump. No problem my riding mate has tubes and an electric pump
To make a long story short a hour later my rear tire had a front tube and we were on our way again.
Remember everyone check your glue and pack your own tubes
This is a photo looking from the West side of the Fraser by Lytton
Lytton, if you look straight across we stayed in the Totem Motel just above the green building.
Lytton Reaction Ferry. This is the end of our ride for Friday. Tonight we will Eat Drink and be Merry. For those of you who have yet to experience the Lytton Hotel Bar or the Lytton Legion, be warned, it may turn you off of drinking.
The motel was nice but somehow I ended sleeping with another man in my bed. I thought I told Skidmark that I was homophobic? After a good nights sleep (better than camping) we were ready for breakfast
Great Breakfast it is now 8:00 am and we have to get ready to meet up with the campers
Here we are a couple of hours later looking down on Pavilion. That small spec at the T intersection is Ray Bishop, he forgot his wallet at the gas stop
now he is the last rider and has to catch up.
High Bar Road
Things are pretty uneventful here just great vistas, this is a great road for all types of Dual Sport bikes
More High Bar Road
Guy checking out Dirtybills bike. Note the new taillight mounting assembly
Lunch stop at the Big Bar Ferry, time to break out the power bars, no cafe here.
Look at all the happy faces:ss:Just a note for future rides, the Big Bar ferry only holds 21 bikes.
On our way to China Head
Top of China Head Ridge. The weather is overcast but it is the perfect riding temperature
After ride 8 hours, why are these men smiling:?In another 45 min they will be eating and drinking cold beer.:hf:
Sunday morning, getting ready for the ride back, Group photo
Cameron taking part in the Mud Lake hill climb
First Place:mad3:and there is still a long way to go.
Poison Mountain Yalacom FSR intersection
Texas Creek FSR looking North
We stoped in Lilloeet for lunch at the old Mugs and Jugs the carried on along the Texas Creek FSR to the Lytton reaction ferry
I carried on by myself from the ferry to the Nahatlatch FSR to Kookopi FSR to Harrison East. I connected with a couple of DSBC guys who wanted to go on the Poison Mountain but did not sign up in time, at the Kookopi Pass, they do not want to miss out next year. Made it to the DRZ 400:hr:thank God for Monkey :mb:Butt Powder
Tom T