October 27 2014
Combined Project with the Right Nuts ATV and DualSportBC
Tamihi Kids Beginners Learning Area
The heavy lifting has been done, the BC Government Sites and Trails has committed 25K Only problem was that our funding was cut short by about $10,000.00
We as off road motorized have to raise the last 10K. Put simply we put up 10K and we will get 60K in return for our sport. Damn good return on investment
I don't think this will be a problem, between the motorcyclists and quaders we easily put 10K into the purchase of our machines and don't put much into the future of our sport.
This particular project is the future of our sport, its about the kids.
We will be posting the details of our fundraising project, and trust that we can count on the off road motorized communities support, particularly DSBC member support (support=money)
We are so excited:woohoo:
Combined Project with the Right Nuts ATV and DualSportBC
Tamihi Kids Beginners Learning Area
The heavy lifting has been done, the BC Government Sites and Trails has committed 25K Only problem was that our funding was cut short by about $10,000.00
We as off road motorized have to raise the last 10K. Put simply we put up 10K and we will get 60K in return for our sport. Damn good return on investment
I don't think this will be a problem, between the motorcyclists and quaders we easily put 10K into the purchase of our machines and don't put much into the future of our sport.
This particular project is the future of our sport, its about the kids.
We will be posting the details of our fundraising project, and trust that we can count on the off road motorized communities support, particularly DSBC member support (support=money)
We are so excited:woohoo: