Proposed Kids Off Road Learning Area Tamihi


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
October 27 2014


Combined Project with the Right Nuts ATV and DualSportBC

Tamihi Kids Beginners Learning Area

The heavy lifting has been done, the BC Government Sites and Trails has committed 25K Only problem was that our funding was cut short by about $10,000.00

We as off road motorized have to raise the last 10K. Put simply we put up 10K and we will get 60K in return for our sport. Damn good return on investment

I don't think this will be a problem, between the motorcyclists and quaders we easily put 10K into the purchase of our machines and don't put much into the future of our sport.

This particular project is the future of our sport, its about the kids.

We will be posting the details of our fundraising project, and trust that we can count on the off road motorized communities support, particularly DSBC member support (support=money)

We are so excited


Well-known member
proof that involvement in the process is the only way for user groups to get included. Right on, well done.


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
Now we are looking for that last bit of funding, thats going to have to come from all our pockets, if we want the government to buy in we will have to show our support

Please follow this link and donate what you can


Staff member
UBSafe is your first corporate sponsor.....the corporate gauntlet has been thrown...... :mb:


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
I have contacted International, Holeshot and Big Top.

All three very positive but only Big Top has confirmed

Feel free to approach anyone



Staff member
You know, I use the Tamahi loading area all the time - it's sure great to be able to have a spot to park, unload without ramps, the camping is fabulous and now there's a shelter as well. Not to mention the trail network that we ride there.

I've been part of the club for two or three years now and I've never had to pay anything for anything. I help with trail maintenance but I have trouble calling this work or volunteering as it's so much fun. I support BCORMA by buying the trail pass and DSBC package at our Newbie rides.

I don't have kids, but for all the use and enjoyment I get from DSBC and the Tamahi area I'm glad to donate and do whatever I can to support this vision.

C'mon folks - get out your wallet and spend a couple of bucks to support this.
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I'm in! This truly is a worthwhile project and the work completed so far is great! My kids are now heading for "B" style trails and that will leave me behind! You are correct L.E. in saying the club asks for very little, since 2009 when I signed up, I have been on many club Rides and have made many new friends, supported BCORMA each year with the DSBC Trail package... From Judy. And put in some volunteer time (That is usually is more fun than work) Many hands make light work!


New member
I just looked at the fund me site, congratulations to whole 11 people who donated LOL. .


Staff member
Thanks for pointing that out kaos. Pretty shocking that of all the south coast members on the forum (free) that's talking about the trails we ride and maintain at Tamahi (free) where we can use the awesome new staging area (free) can't seem to pony up to support a project where we need to raise $10k to get $60k (free).


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
Yes this is pretty sad

There are some people that are users out there and there are many that are givers. I am glad that I know more givers. However I personally dont like those who openly promote their low-end lifestyle.

These types are in every walk of life and thankfully are in the minority. It seems though that in the world of dirt biking in BC and I include Trials here too, that we have more than our fair share. They are even proud they do nothing to keep the sport going or growing?

While President of BCORMA I found dirt bikers were always standing with their hands out for something, yet did not want to or did not know how to put something back in. Im not talking about everyone but there are enough to make it really hard for the guys trying to make a difference.

I could go on for some time about this, but I really want to thank all of the volunteers and supporters of DSBC and all those unnamed dirt bikers who do care and do help. The guys who go out there and clear trails from slides, fallen logs, face slappers and, support the local clubs, deal with the local officials and promote events These guys know how much it costs in time and personal money to keep our sport growing.



New member
I've been on this forum for 8 years. I don't get to ride that much, but I read almost everyday for the wisdom and the laughs. I've been on a few newbie rides (which have been awesome) and got a lot of help from forum members when my bike got stolen.

As a way of saying thanks, I donated $50.00 to Tom and his project and challenge other KLR riders to donate too. I think this project will shine a positive light on the OHV community. Who knows, perhaps one of these kids will end up riding a 2025 KLR (which will be the same as a 2014 KRL, just a different colour :))



Staff member
I've been on this forum for 8 years. I don't get to ride that much, but I read almost everyday for the wisdom and the laughs. I've been on a few newbie rides (which have been awesome) and got a lot of help from forum members when my bike got stolen.

As a way of saying thanks, I donated $50.00 to Tom and his project and challenge other KLR riders to donate too. I think this project will shine a positive light on the OHV community. Who knows, perhaps one of these kids will end up riding a 2025 KLR (which will be the same as a 2014 KRL, just a different colour :))


Lol.....thanks for stepping up's to the 40 year old technology that will remain on the zombie apocalypse survival 2025 KLR.....
Any thoughts on putting on a poker run or something like that to raise some funds. People always want to ride and if the entry fees go towards the funding even better. I realize it being the cusp of winter turn out may be low. Just an idea


Donation made....As they say "every little bit helps"!

Do any of the Quad sites have a link to this?
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