Proposed Kids Off Road Learning Area Tamihi


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
Thanks for keeping this topic on everyone's radar guys, we are working on some other projects, I will be updating our progress soon. Things are looking really good



New member
Ok ladies and gents
Two weeks to go till Christmas and it is suppose to be about the kids
What better way to celebrate Christmas than a donation to this worthy cause
What better way to show MLAs and other government officials that we care about our
sport now and in the future by having a safe place for the kids to learn how to ride
The kids are the future of this sport and are what we are fighting for to keep riding areas open
remember every little bit helps

Merry Christmas everyone


Done. It's very important that the people who give so much of their time and energy know that we support their efforts in a tangible way.


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
Did I ever say the Dual Sport Riders are the best? All you guys never seem to let me down. I just want to make sure you know this.

Tom Timmerman
President Dual Sport BC


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
thanks again for the reminder

For those of you following our progress. Today December 18, 2014 Neil (Hawk) Mike (MikeO) and myself have a site meeting to review the plans with our Local Recreation Officer.


Staff member
thanks again for the reminder

For those of you following our progress. Today December 18, 2014 Neil (Hawk) Mike (MikeO) and myself have a site meeting to review the plans with our Local Recreation Officer.

When's that Mike guy gonna get another bike???


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
We had a meeting at the site with our new recreation officer. It went well but.....................................

More Paperwork Required.

We expect the project to move forward about 90 days, so work will not start until March or April:(


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
Update January 12 2015

As most of you probably already know we have had a bit of a holdup getting started. Just the same things are continuing to move forward although not a fast as we would prefer. Last week the Dean (RN ATV) and Neil (DSBC) project reps met with the First Nations and our Recreation Officer at the site for a face to face update and review of the plan. Everyone was positive and supportive of the project. The Section 57 has been submitted and now we are in the 60 day waiting period for stakeholders to respond to the proposal. Presently we see one stumbling block and that is the bridge over a stream, turns out where we plan to build the bridge over the stream that fish have been reported, this means fisheries now will have to get involved and put their 2 cents in.

So with a little luck we can get started late March



Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
With the loss of our recreation officer for the chilliwack forest district, we have been encountering several speed bumps. Things that you would think should only take a couple of days to work out seem to take several weeks to months when dealing with government agencies. I have been told on more than one occasion that governments move a glacial speeds, its very true.

Nothing to date has been a show stopper, just hold ups.

Government is very supportive of a kids only area, but we have had a couple of detractors and they are making a lot of noise. It may be hard to believe but some levels of government listen to the voters. Something we have to understand is that not all people love our sport, and some will do anything to try and put a stop to people who recreate outdoors with motorcycles and quads.

Presently we are waiting for our new recreation officer to be hired, then we can get our schedule back on track.


New member
My boys pickup their new bikes this weekend and are asking me to take them riding, would be awesome if this new kids area had the funds it needs so I thought I would bump!


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
July 9 2015 Update

First I want to thank all of you guys and gals for the support for a safe kids riding area. With that said I have no good news to report.

For those of you who don't know, the Bell Acres Residents had sent a petition back in Feb 2015 to close the Tamihi Area. This petition was received and read out across the floor of the Provincial Legislature by MLA Laurie Throness of Chilliwack. Watch video below

You can also check this thread out

The battle has begun to keep the area open to OHVs. There are some of us that are fighting the good fight, but like any good fight (particularly those that involve government), you get tired and wonder if it's worth the battle, or even if the battle can be won?. DSBC, RN's ATV and ATVBC are all very active with the Bell Acres Residents and Recreation Sites and Trails BC.

What started this Battle? NOISE. The Bell Acres residents are claiming that noise from our activities along the Liumchen FSR across the the Chilliwack River is disturbing their peace at all times of the day and night every day of the week. They are also claiming that our sport is somehow involved with shooting, garbage dumping and numerous other issues.

Robert van der Zalm Recreation Sites and Trails BC Regional Manager (Coast Area) has put the Kids Area "ON HOLD" until the noise issue at Bell Acres is resolved. Essentially this project is DEAD. Our NTC funding will run out come December 2015 when the project must be completed. There is little to no chance that the project that was intended to get the kids off of the FSR can be completed with the time left.

For those of you that donated money to the Kids Area, your donation is in a separate account. Once the project goes from ON HOLD to CANCELED we will contact to advise you of how to get you donation back. There is still a chance that this project will move forward next year, but we will only continue if the government assures us of their support. There are some talks to provide better access for ORVs to the trails from the staging area, there has been questions on the status of the donated money, this money was for a kids area and we will not make it available for access trails without prior approval from the donors.

I am optimistic that the next meeting with RSTBC, Bell Acre Residents and ourselves will be productive and we will have some definite direction to report. It will be a tragedy for the kids that the already 100s of volunteer hours get wasted for a problem that has nothing to do with the kids project.

Let hope this will not be a sign of the future


Tom, again thank you for your tireless efforts as well as keeping us informed.

This is a heavy handed and unfair approach, in that the "Recreation Sites and Trails BC Regional Manager" can just put an active project "on hold" - its more like its being "held for ransom".

The age old story applies folks - squeaky wheels are getting the grease. While we're out responsibly enjoying a sport we love with friends and family (read: "recreation"), opposing forces are gathering, and clearly gaining ground.

We likely even out number them (!), but the longer we keep quiet, the louder their voices become.


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
I am still optimistic that the next meeting at the end of this month (june) with the Bell Acres Residents will have some positive results. At our first meeting it started very much as polar opposites, but at the end of 2.5 hours it turns out we have many common issues and we where talking open and frankly. I only heard one person at that meeting that could not move away from the closure issue, for us (motorised) his agenda was obvious, for the rest of the residents it seemed they were open to any ideas and possibly compromise.

This next meeting will tell the real story. As I mentioned earlier, and the petition content, this was all about noise on the FSR. But it was clear the residents are mad about many issues, including how they have been treated by the government. Many of the issues we have no control over ie garbage, speeding, shooting, partying on the river, etc.

I am wondering now that the residents have the ear of the government how far will they go.

We have been trying to keep on topic


Active member
noise: ie young bucks on mx bikes with the Blah Blah super loud 4 stroke high performance (noisy) pipes in an area that was set aside for off road riders, pissing everyone off with in 10 miles of themselves. i sympathies' with the people that are doing the complaining, but i'm really not sure as to how to fix this problem as it has been going on since the dawn of motorcycling. you pretty much can't ride any where in california now as this same noise issue has shut down almost every riding area in a state the size of most of canada. until we outlaw and make it stick in a big way to run any type of loud noisy pipe on anything motorized, we will keep running into closures and restrictions everywhere that motorcycles go! Think of the quiet devastation that feller bunchers and skidders and logging processors inflict on our landscape on a daily basis with almost no comments? They are in,done their dirty deeds and gone before most of society even know that they are coming to an area near you, cause they don't make much noise!
If we could somehow keep motorcycles and quads and now razors etc quiet, it would go along way to keeping riding areas open.
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