Question for all of you that attended the event. If you couldn't attend and let me know ahead of time, would you want your money back or would you just consider it a donation to DSBC. Your shirt will be sent to you after the event.
I am having a private conversation with a user not to be named and this is exactly what happened. His life plans changed and wanted the money back for the event or transferred to the next year. I said I might if we have enough to cover expenses.
Further discussion with other members at the event said that money shouldn't be sent back. All other events of this type and professional races entry fees are non-refundable.
Received on Aug 14 from user not to be named:
I replied on Aug 14 with:
Response I received today...
I have a great response that I typed and have not sent as I don't think that steak would do so well in the mail and we are a small community here on DSBC. Others that couldn't attend had another riders take their place or said nothing at all.
Maybe I am just being too sensitive...thoughts??</name>
I am having a private conversation with a user not to be named and this is exactly what happened. His life plans changed and wanted the money back for the event or transferred to the next year. I said I might if we have enough to cover expenses.
Further discussion with other members at the event said that money shouldn't be sent back. All other events of this type and professional races entry fees are non-refundable.
Received on Aug 14 from user not to be named:
have you sent it yet??
I replied on Aug 14 with:
<name>No. I just got back from the event and spoke to others regarding this issue and the general consensus at DSBC events is that once you pay, that is it. I can send the shirt to you though.
Response I received today...
Even tho I gave you the heads up way before the deadline because my holidays were pulled? An you said your going send it already. Thats very weak guys. What about the extra meal?What ever just send the shirt .
I have a great response that I typed and have not sent as I don't think that steak would do so well in the mail and we are a small community here on DSBC. Others that couldn't attend had another riders take their place or said nothing at all.
Maybe I am just being too sensitive...thoughts??</name>