Question for all riders that attended the event...??

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Question for all of you that attended the event. If you couldn't attend and let me know ahead of time, would you want your money back or would you just consider it a donation to DSBC. Your shirt will be sent to you after the event.

I am having a private conversation with a user not to be named and this is exactly what happened. His life plans changed and wanted the money back for the event or transferred to the next year. I said I might if we have enough to cover expenses.

Further discussion with other members at the event said that money shouldn't be sent back. All other events of this type and professional races entry fees are non-refundable.

Received on Aug 14 from user not to be named:

have you sent it yet??

I replied on Aug 14 with:

<name>No. I just got back from the event and spoke to others regarding this issue and the general consensus at DSBC events is that once you pay, that is it. I can send the shirt to you though.


Response I received today...

Even tho I gave you the heads up way before the deadline because my holidays were pulled? An you said your going send it already. Thats very weak guys. What about the extra meal? :(:mad::mad: What ever just send the shirt .

I have a great response that I typed and have not sent as I don't think that steak would do so well in the mail and we are a small community here on DSBC. Others that couldn't attend had another riders take their place or said nothing at all.

Maybe I am just being too sensitive...thoughts??</name>


IMHO - payment should be non-refundable, as even should one not be able to make it, this is not a for profit venture, and the money then goes to the betterment of the event.
Send him the shirt, and perhaps a (non-refundable, no cash value) "credit" for next year.


I didn't attend the event, but here's my 2 cents worth. The "user not to be named" should consider it a donation if they couldn't attend. A shirt was ordered, food was ordered, etc. That stuff is not free, somebody had to pay for that.

I am hard pressed to think of any other organization that I get so much from and am not required to give anything in return. When asked to buy a Trail Pass, I am happy to do so. If I had to forfeit an entry fee, I would be happy to do so as well.

I think in the future, to avoid unpleasant situations such as this, a no refund policy should be clearly stated in the registration. The hard working volunteers that organize these events should not have to put in more time dealing with this stuff.

Ti welder

New member
I couldn't make it and that realy sucks. Looks like it was awsome, where are the rest of the pictures? Never expected to get anything back and am happy to donate a hundred bucks for 2 entries. It's my own problem that I could not attend. Send the steak to the unnamed guy and the shirt to me!

Mad Max

New member
Take the High-Road Unnameduser.

On our first No Work Zone we had a couple guys come up from Victoria then not want to ride due to crappy weather. They had not yet paid a dime and STILL paid their entry fees in FULL, took their trail maps and drove away happy to be a part of the cause . I saw them recently at ORCA 2012 and had a great BS with them and thanked them again for their generosity.

You always remember a class act,



New member
It was a great run :f:. if I could not make it I would of asked for one of my friends to pick up the shirt , and that would be it. unless i gave more then a months notice , ie before the shirts food etc were ordered. If I gave that much notice it should of been easy to stop order for 1 shirt and food. if it was after the order went in i would agree to make it a donation. my 2 cents:):)

hurricane harry

New member
I'll throw in a few bucks to make the entrant happy.

We all spend way too much money on extra gear anyway.


Active member
try buying a couple of concert tickets or show tickets, and then not being able to attend. short answer- tough shit,thks for your contribution,
get on to bigger problems than this one Dan,you work way to hard as it is on the loose screw!

un- named rider, you have the option of showing up on the day of the ride and paying then, if your not sure that you can attend.But i believe that those that did,did not get a tshirt or a steak?


I couldn't make it and that realy sucks. Looks like it was awsome, where are the rest of the pictures? Never expected to get anything back and am happy to donate a hundred bucks for 2 entries. It's my own problem that I could not attend. Send the steak to the unnamed guy and the shirt to me!

Your shirts are going in the mail next week Scott, as are the rest of them.


try buying a couple of concert tickets or show tickets, and then not being able to attend. short answer- tough shit,thks for your contribution,
get on to bigger problems than this one Dan,you work way to hard as it is on the loose screw!

un- named rider, you have the option of showing up on the day of the ride and paying then, if your not sure that you can attend.But i believe that those that did,did not get a tshirt or a steak?

no shirt onsite, but I did make sure that everyone got fed, got seconds, and got all the cake they could handle


I second Reid on both motions!

try buying a couple of concert tickets or show tickets, and then not being able to attend. short answer- tough shit,thks for your contribution,
get on to bigger problems than this one Dan,you work way to hard as it is on the loose screw!

un- named rider, you have the option of showing up on the day of the ride and paying then, if your not sure that you can attend.But i believe that those that did,did not get a tshirt or a steak?


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
You Pays Your Money and Yous Takes Your Chance

You Pays Your Money and Yous Takes Your Chance

Sorry Un-named rider:(, Im with the rest of them here. The organizers committed to you a fantastic ride with a dinner the least you can do is commit and pay your money up front.

The organizers lived up to their side of the bargain.

Organizers of this kind of event are volunteers, they dont take a cent out of the pot (in fact they put in lots of their own money) and they also volunteer countless hours so we (I include you to un-named rider) can have a good time. Yes I understand that you life plan changed, so? You life plan changing does not constitute everyone else's plans to change.

Un-named rider, I would PM the organizer and tell him to skip the request,(no I wouldn't, I would not have the balls to ask for my money back) maybe he can do something for you next year (if you haven't pissed him off too much already) You should spend your efforts on not paying taxes rather than squeezing a bunch of volunteers.



Unnamed rider. Volunteers give hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars out of there own pockets so these events can happen. Lots of riders pay for DSBC events, don't show up and consider it a donation. How about volunteering some time to help out with a event so you can see how much FREE time and money is put into these events so DSBC members and others can enjoy a weekend of socializing and riding



New member
Hey fellas,

I had this happen to me at the Orca Run this year. Paid my fees, was totally pumped to go, ended up spending the weekend wrangling a moving truck instead. Oh well, at least I got to enjoy the pictures and video. :)

As for the shirt, they didn't ship it and I didn't ask. I'd feel a bit weird wearing a shirt for an event I didn't attend. My suggestion for the shirts would be to offer those that didn't get picked up to the late registrations for sale or auction at the dinner.

Wait, they didn't ship my dinner, either! :mad:

His life plans changed and wanted the money back for the event or transferred to the next year. I said I might if we have enough to cover expenses.

This guy may or may not be a douchebag, but it's quite possible that he's from outside DSBC and just signed up for an event. We all know that the Loose Screw is put together with tons of volunteer hours from a small group of enthusiasts, but to someone on the outside it may look like a for-profit venture, where people are paid to deal with hassles like refunds and where you only pay for value that you receive.

I think probably the thing to have done would be to have given the guy a refund and updated the policy to make it clear that it's a volunteer organization without the manpower to handle administrative shit like refunds. No need to bold and underline the policy -- the fact that this is the first time it has come up in 6 years is telling -- but having it written somewhere that you can point to would make a big difference. I guess it's just about managing expectations.


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member

Your too nice

A full day organized ride matched to your ability (4 routes),
Morning Coffee, Fruit and muffins
Steak Dinner with all the fixins
Another night camping

All this for 50.00? I dont know what you use for calculating value but my gut tells me that this can only be done as a not for profit. The only thing they asked was that you pre sign up, which includes paying up front.

I think your right by calling him a db



New member
Well said another option is to put on a ride , just imagine '' you'll get lots of riding in , countless hours , possibly a little trail clearing as well as . all i can say is thanks and hats off to all who put on events all over the province for our enjoyment ,,
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