Question/opinion on local riding conditions?


DSBC President / BCORMA Director
Staff member
From the Horses Mouth.... I am an experienced Wildland Firefighter and Fire Warden.Plated Dual Sports are OHV and are permitted on FAR and other defined roadsurfaces BUT not allowed of road or on trails. ORV, non plated bikes/quads/jeeps, are fully restricted even on FSR's. In the Cariboo ALL travel is banned. A Fire Warden is a seasonal hire asked to do limited enforcement work and often don't understand the rules themselves and can have some power ego issues. Don't mess with them though they have powers and what they can't do they can have a Full Resource Officer do based on their testimony and your license plate number.Responsible travel on established roads may act just like a Fire Warden patrol and see and report fires quickly. Be safe, make us as a DS community look good and have fun.


New member
I'm a little confused. Lillooet/ west Harrison is in the coastal fire center therefore we have no restrictions at all yet. It is just the Kamloops, Cariboo fire center restrictions.


Past President DSBC 2004 -2018
Staff member
BC Clarified what is/is not allowed under an off road vehicle ban.

See here

Thanks Bryon

For clarity I will post this taken from the above link

Are all motorcycles considered to be off-road vehicles (ORVs) under this prohibition?
 Off-road motorcycles are considered to be ORVs under this prohibition.
 However, motorcycles which are licenced for on-highway use are not considered to be off-road
vehicles and are permitted to travel on designated roads.

It is important that you know the regulations as there are many government and non government people that will try and tell you otherwise when they actually just dont know