Yodel to swartz lake


New member
Hi , has any one been through the yodel -mud lakes trail lately? Heard there was some logging back there , is the trail still easy to find?
Been through a few times but not for a few years. Thanks Los


Not sure what/where Yodel is, but I've been through there a couple of times recently. Trail is well marked, and even graded in some places :)(). There are lots of trails, so you really need to map it out. There is logging when (if :rolleyes:) you get up the last hill, on the way to the Poison Mt. Yalakom fork. Beaver "pond" isnt bad as its been so dry, maybe a foot or so deep and the creek crossings (that follow) are quite low.


New member
Yodel cabin is on the way to black dome mine after you do the churn creek crossings, climb the hill and turn left instead of going to Poison Mt.


Active member
Last year did a ride through mud lakes, poison, then down the Yalakom - all AOK.

search around a bit. I recently read something about guys going up mud lakes, then northwards on gaspar and gang ranch area. They might have posted a ride report.

beautiful country up there.


New member
Yes it is ! We will be coming from the gang ranch area . It's a pretty good ride through yodel cabin and the wash out.
Did you read that on here Dirtclunker?


New member
Hi , has any one been through the yodel -mud lakes trail lately? Heard there was some logging back there , is the trail still easy to find?
Been through a few times but not for a few years. Thanks Los

Couple of years me and a buddy went up from the empire valley through the perlite road down into the washout and up to Yodel lake then all the way through to were the road goes to either poison/Yalakom or Mud lakes/beaver pond road.It is logged a bunch in between yodel cabin and poison road.I commented to my friend that going towards the fraser we would have had trouble due to the loose jeep trail that comes out of washout,lots of loose gravel and river boulders.Also got stuck in clearcut swamp that we had to corduroy on the Mud side.You can shortcut the washout side just past Yodel lake and blast up to the Blackdome road.We were on a 690 and 990,would be a cake walk on smaller bikes.Bring a little hand saw,and make sure you have enough gas.Awesome ride though,we left Cache creek at 7 in the morn went up to Gangranch through to mud down marshall into lilloett back to Cache at 10 at night.


New member
thanks, we talked to guy that went through last week .
well it's go time now ��
Went through on tuesday



New member
Was there about 3 years ago. The pack rat in that cabin was huge.

Did you fuel at Gang Ranch? We rode up to Dog Creek after coming from Tyax to Mud to Yodel to Empire. Then back down the east side of the Fraser to Big Bar and back over China Head to Mud and Back to Tyax.