EZ Adventure "C" Route Instructions and Roll Chart


Super Moderator
This is the thread where you will get more info on the EZ Adventure "C" Route.

If you are riding this route your bike has to have ICBC road insurance as you will be travelling on paved roads as well as FSRs.

This route is a dual sport ride so minimal off-road experience is required. There is no single track trails to ride but you will be riding on gravel and dirt Forest Service Roads that will have puddles and rocks. If you are a novice DO NOT RIDE ALONE.

This route will be navigated with a roll chart which will be attached to this thread. YOU MUST PRINT OFF THIS ROLL CHART and bring it with you to the Newbie Ride. Review the roll chart and if you have any questions email or message me before the event. Or find me at the event. I will be happy to go over it with you.


  • 2019 Spring EZ rollchart.pdf
    75.1 KB · Views: 4
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Super Moderator
The Roll Chart has been attached to the first post in this thread. It is a .pdf file so everyone should be able to download it and print it off. For those people that have roll chart holders you will print this document and then cut along the vertical lines and tape all the strips together and put in in your roll chart holder. For those that don't have a roll chart holder just print the document and put the pages in your map holder of your tank bag or use a large zip lock type bag and duct tape it to your handle bars.

bmw rocke

Ok so for anyone who wants to do the C route but does not have a ridding partner or a roll chart I will lead a group. I have a roll chart holder loaded up ready to go. We can meet at the riders meeting. I will be riding the biggest heaviest bike I could find (R1200GS) so anyone should be able follow and have fun. It looks like a beautiful day on Sunday so don't miss it because of a roll chart or someone to ride with. You are now covered.
Hi Rocke

Thanks for leading heading up the ride this weekend. We unfortunately got separated we were following the guy with the KLR and we lost him at the main road at Cultus Lake. Either way it was a great day for a ride!

Cheers, Robin & Karen
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