2010 ORCA trail clearing and pre rides


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I'm going to try again on Saturday to ride the A route section out by the camp ground. Would like a riding partner with GPS to help out. Weather looks fab :ss: and no snow.


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Hi Loz, what time? Before or after the campground clean up?


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I'm talking about tomorrow but will also plan to ride on the 17th after a bit of cleanup. I really don't like to ride alone so need a buddy, hopefully with a GPS.


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Loz wrote:
I'm talking about tomorrow but will also plan to ride on the 17th after a bit of cleanup. I really don't like to ride alone so need a buddy, hopefully with a GPS.
Sorry...I have to put the DR together tomorrow AM...Dam-it:mad3:

Sunday? don't know yet.


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fozzy wrote:
Hi Loz, what time? Before or after the campground clean up?
About tomorrow, Saturday 10th... Steve usually meets up at around 1000 by the campsite.


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Yeah! what Mike said...

If I don't get some help I'm gonna make all the A riders do the monkey butt C route!:shock:


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OK, I'll be there 10 am with GPS and some tools, I shouldn't get scared away by weather tomorrow :)

I thought the campground clean up was tomorrow, silly me


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Ok done, 11 it is. Will have my better half side kick too.


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Hi, Iam a newbie at this event and Iam registered to ride the Orca, What camp site does the ride starts out of? If you or someone could email me please that would be a big help,thanks [email protected] p.s. I would also like to pre ride loop A


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The camp ground is near shawnigan lake. I sent you an email, call me for directions. We are meeting at 11 today for an A route pre-ride. Light bikes recommended!


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Awsome ride today. Mission acomplished too! Thanks to Mad Max, Mr & Mrs Fozzy and Grizz for making it out. What a day!!:hb:

Mad Max

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Loz, GRIZZ,Mr.+Mrs. Fozzy ,Uniformman and Sons;

What a SUPER preride today. Thanx for your Never-Say-Die attitudes on the OLD-FASHIONED trail clearing techniques. Mrs.Fozzy,YOU got GUTS and ride like a PRO! Here's the photos I didn't screw up.

Thank you all again



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Great pictures Max, After I cut out from the group Irode down theJordon main and then to Butler main, and came out at down town Sooke, and then back home. All bridges and roads are still in good shape. Still snow in the high shady spots and lots of logging near Sooke. The Grizz.


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I'm riding again today after some camp cleanup. Want to fix arrows on the A and B routes near camp so I need at least one partner. Bring a fanny pack or similar to carry a stapple gun and arrows (provided).

Meeting at 10 at the campground.


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A/B routes

Next Saturday 24th is my last chance to finish route marking as I have to work away for 2 weeks after that, So my plan is to place arrows for A & B routes near to Mill Bay.

It would be great to have two teams of 2 (min). One to ride the A and one for the B. I'll take care of one and I could use some help with the other. The routes are the same as last year so anyone who fancies it can follow the roll charts and or GPS track for the other route if you don't remember the way. I can provide navigational info and arrows and staple gun. My preference would be for someone who is fairly familiar with the route so there are no screw ups.

Meet at Serious Coffee, Mill Bay for 9 - 10 am ish TBC. Weather forecast looks great.


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Edit.... I'm getting messages that Sunday is preferable for the C ride. Note the ride day has been changed from Saturday to Sunday.

C route pre ride Sunday April 25

Planning a C route pre ride this coming Sunday. Kiwi and I have been busy plotting, riding and flagging a new route using the best sections of the 08 and 09 events. Thanks to a persistent effort by Riskman, we have permission and the gate key to a large swath of private logging land, so the threat of locked gates that affected last years route is no more. (Yes, there was a large fee involved). Kiwi completed the C route sheets today, (where does she find the time?)... it will be shorter, about 220 kms versus the previous 300. The lunch stop will be in Lake Cowichan instead of Port Renfrew. That means many more restaurants and pubs to choose from. Bring your GPS to track the new route and a map window or roll chart holder for the route sheet as you will be leading the way!

Meeting 945 am at Sunny Daze. On the road at 1000.


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A/B pre ride Saturday

C pre ride Sunday

See above messages for details