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Edit.... I'm getting messages that Sunday is preferable for the C ride. Note the ride day has been changed from Saturday to Sunday.
C route pre ride Sunday April 25
Planning a C route pre ride this coming Sunday. Kiwi and I have been busy plotting, riding and flagging a new route using the best sections of the 08 and 09 events. Thanks to a persistent effort by Riskman, we have permission and the gate key to a large swath of private logging land, so the threat of locked gates that affected last years route is no more. (Yes, there was a large fee involved). Kiwi completed the C route sheets today, (where does she find the time?)... it will be shorter, about 220 kms versus the previous 300. The lunch stop will be in Lake Cowichan instead of Port Renfrew. That means many more restaurants and pubs to choose from. Bring your GPS to track the new route and a map window or roll chart holder for the route sheet as you will be leading the way!
Meeting 945 am at Sunny Daze. On the road at 1000.