Skidmark, I'm afraid that you don't have your facts straight. You CAN convert your street legal bike into an RUM, and register it as an ORV. HOWEVER, if you want to go back, you will have to have the bike inspected to make sure it complies with the MVA (this will cost between $150-200, depending on the shop). I have correspondence from an ICBC official that verifies this fact.
I ride my bike year round. To do it legally, I would need to insure it year-round. That's a waste of money if I'm not riding it on the road or FSR's. Laying down and "paying the man" is not my style.
I have been in contact with BCORMA and they are aware of the issue, but have not made any progress.
If we don't lobby ICBC, there certainly will not be any change. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
I love it when someone catches Mark on an error
For anyone that follows how our provincial federation operates you will understand why BCORMA can only pay lip service to this issue.
BCORMA is membership based, and relies on the clubs for operational funding. Not for profit, registered clubs are the only members in BCORMA (not individuals). So BCORMA's mandate is dictated by it member clubs ie DSBC. There are about 20+ member clubs in BCORMA and DSBC has one vote. As you can see that that is not a lot of influence on BCORMA board decisions. So what might be very important to Dual Sport riders, may not be that important to Dirt Bike Riders (who have the majority on the BCORMA board)
BCORMA also get some funding thru the BCORMA Trail Pass, which many of you support. That is not a membership in BCORMA, the Trail Pass is a support mechanism for fund raising. However the Trail Pass system has never been fully supported by the BCORMA member clubs and is in my opinion nothing more than chump change compared to the money BCORMA needs to get some of their initiatives done. As the official numbers are not out I would be guessing here, but I am sure the rider penetration here is probably under 2 percent of the total number of off road riders support the BCORMA Trail Pass, with the yearly purchase of the Trail Pass.
As I see it, the issue is the lack of support for our provincial federation BCORMA. BCORMA already has the ear of the government, but only speaks with a squeaky voice, and can easily be ignored (presently). What BCORMA needs is a well funded board, that can go to these meeting and pound their fist on the table, so not only will we be heard, government will understand there is a large contingent of voters behind the representatives at the table.
So until we all as dirt riders pony up and support an organisation to represent us, we might as well roll over and take what is handed to us by our illustrious government
DSBC BCORMA Trail Passes available thru JavaJude